January 14, 2007

by way of introduction

so. here's what this is and how it's going to work. one year ago today, i set out to fly to rome for four months at the centro. (can it possibly be that long ago?) while i was there, i attempted to keep some sort of blog/journal/thingy, but it fizzled out. i mean, come on, i was distracted by other things. but i did keep a very good record in photo form, and now i'm going to use them to try to relive the best semester ever.

here's the format i'm going to work with. each day will have:

1. la foto piĆ¹ bella (best photo of the day)
2. i menzioni d'onore (honorable mentions, for days that there are lots of pictures)
3. links to that day's full archive on my flickr site
4. stories, anecdotes, whatever i can remember

so, here goes. onward to the memories!

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